1996年,德国慧鱼集团在亚洲地区的第一家独资子公司––慧鱼(太仓)建筑锚栓有限公司正式成立。作为集团在中国的锚固技术中心,其产品涵盖尼龙、金属和化学三大类锚栓及幕墙背挂(ACT)、装配式支吊架安装(SaMontec)、外墙外保温(E.W.I.)、防火封堵(Firestop)、预埋槽(Cast-in Channel)五大系统等。
现在慧鱼中国已成立10多个分支机构,拥有众多的销售网络。秉承了德国慧鱼的“创新”与“高品质”的理念,慧鱼中国以其完美的产品设计与优质的全方位服务体系,已成为同行中的佼佼者。 在当今国内各类大型著名标志性建筑项目中,都可看到慧鱼产品发挥的作用,如港珠澳大桥、北京大兴国际机场、北京城市副中心、南水北调工程、南京长江大桥改造项目、上海的金茂大厦,国际会议中心,中华世纪坛、北京首都机场、、三峡水利工程、国家体育场(鸟巢)、上海F1国际赛车场、上海世博轴、广州新白云国际机场、国家奥林匹克新闻中心等等。
As the first 100% -owned subsidiary of fischer group of companies in Asia, fischer (Taicang) Fixings Co., Ltd . is officially established in 1996. As the fixing technology center in China, the product range includes nylon, metal and chemical fixings, Advanced Curtain Wall system, SaMontec system, external wall insulation system, and Cast-in Channel system.
With more than 10 branches established in China in two decades, today fischer China has numerous sales channels. In accordance with the notions of “innovation” and “high quality” of fischer group of companies, fischer China has become outstanding brand in Chinese fixing technology with its perfect product design and excellent service system.
We can find fischer products in numerous domestic large-scale landmark building project such as Shanghai International Circuit、Three Gorges Dam、Changan Ford Mazda Engine Co., Ltd.、Beijing Yintai Center、Beijing-Tianjin inter-city railway、Shanghai Expo Park Novartis Shanghai Park、Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and Beijing Daxing International Airport, etc.
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